Desktop Apps

Besides Android apps, ObjectBox for Java supports desktop apps running on Linux, macOS and Windows written in Java or Kotlin. See how to build and test desktop apps using ObjectBox.

ObjectBox – Embedded Database for Java Desktop Apps

Just like on Android, ObjectBox stands for a super simple API and high performance. It’s designed for objects and outperforms other database and ORM solutions. Because it is an embedded database, ObjectBox runs in your apps’ process and needs no maintenance. Read on to learn how to create a Java project using ObjectBox. We believe it’s fairly easy. Please let us know your thoughts on it.

Setup and Usage

See the Getting Started page on how to set up your project, add entities and use the ObjectBox APIs.

Getting started


There are example command line apps available in our examples repository.

Building Unit Tests

The setup and writing tests is identical to writing unit tests that run on the local JVM for Android, see Android Local Unit Tests.

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